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Anime Attacks News Bulletin Number 4 - August 2021

Welcome to the fourth Anime Attacks Newsletter!


Coffee Jelly Serves 2-4


-Jelly, ½ cup coarse-ground coffee beans (or substitute - try some instant coffee) 2 cups cold water 2 teaspoons gelatine powder 3 tablespoons granulated sugar -Whipped cream 1 cup heavy cream, chilled ½ teaspoon vanilla extract (optional), 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, pinch of cream of tartar (optional)

How to make it:

1- Pour the coffee grounds or the substitute into a large jar and cover with the cold water. Stir the mixture gently so that the grounds don’t come up the sides of the jar. Close the jar and place in the refrigerator to chill overnight. The next day, strain the cold brew coffee into a medium pot through a cheesecloth, or something similar, to strain out all of the coffee bean particles.

2- Add the gelatine powder and sugar to the pot with the coffee and turn the heat to medium. Bring the mixture to a boil, whisking a few times at the beginning. Once boiling, remove from the heat and let cool for 5 minutes. Divide the mixture between between 2 to 4 cups, depending on your preference, and let them sit on the counter until the mixture reaches room temperature. Place in the refrigerator and chill overnight, or until fully solidified.

3- Make the whipped cream; pour the heavy cream and vanilla, if desired, into a chilled mixing bowl and sift in the powdered sugar and cream of tartar, if using. Mix on medium speed just until stiff peaks form. If you’d like to pipe whipped cream onto the coffee jelly, scoop the whipped cream into a piping bag with a snipped corner; piping tips are optional.

4- Remove the containers of coffee jelly from the refrigerator. Gently run a knife around the inside edges of the cups to loosen the jelly, then turn the cups over onto serving dishes. You may need to tap the overturned cup for the jelly to plop out. Add the whipped cream to the jelly by piping it or using a spoon to add a dollop on top.


Its our Minecraft day on the 24th of August, check out our discord server for more information.

The paralympics start on the 24th of August!

Manga Recommendations

Darling in the Franxx

Anime Recommendations

Jujutsu kaisen

Video game recommendations


Japan Fact

Black cats are considered good luck!

The paralympics start on the 24th of August!

Japan in Newcastle

We love all the bubble tea shops in and around Newcastle City Centre!

If you have any questions or want to contribute to the newsletter email us!

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