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Anime Attacks News Bulletin No. 6 Autumn 2021

Anime Attacks Autumn 2021 Bulletin

Welcome to the Autumn Anime Attacks news bulletin!

Recipe of the Month

Vegetable Tempura with Soy Dipping Sauce

Tempura is a crisp batter, which originates from Portuguese settlers in Japan and has become a part of Japanese culture. It is great for battering fish, shellfish and vegetables.

Serves 4


100g each Vegetables: aubergine, broccoli, courgette, mushrooms, red pepper and cauliflower, cut into bite-size pieces

Tempura batter receipe

85g plain flour

1 tbsp cornflour

½ tsp ground sea salt

200ml ice cold sparkling water (plus about 4 ice cubes)

Dipping sauce

To serve - sweet chilli sauce

vegetable oil for deep frying


1. Cover a baking tray with sheets of kitchen paper. Heat the oil in a deep fat fryer or deep wok filled to about a third and have the frying basket, or slotted spoon to hand.

2. To make the batter sift the plain flour, cornflour and sea salt into a large mixing bowl. Pour in the sparkling mineral water along with a few ice cubes and combine using a whisk, but don’t over beat. The batter does not need to be completely smooth but use immediately.

3. When the oil reaches 190°C dip some of the prepared vegetables into the batter, shake off any excess, then lower straight into the hot oil. Do not cook too many at once as this will reduce the heat and cause the batter to be soggy. Fry for about 2 minutes until light golden and crisp, then drain on kitchen paper.

4. Repeat with the remaining vegetables in batches, dipping into the batter just before you fry them and ensuring that the oil heats back up to temperature between each batch. Keep the tempura warm in the oven then serve at once warm plate with the sauce alongside for dipping.

Upcoming Anime events in area

Its International Games week 7th – 13th November. Newcastle Libraries are running board game demo sessions on Saturday 13th November.

Check out boardgame events at Travelling Man and Geek Retreat

Gateshead Libraries will be getting a large borrowable game collection soon.

AA News

We are now going to host a smaller event on February 19th next year.

Manga recommendation

Beast stars

Anime recommendation

Way of the Househusband

Quote of the month

It may be arrogant to think we can understand others at all.



Japan News

Former Princess Mako’s recent marriage, check out some more info here:

Email for any extra info!

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