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Anime Attacks Logo Competition!

May 20th, 2020

Hi everyone, as you may have noticed our current logo is quite old and as such we are looking for a new one.

We thought it would be a good idea to reach out to our community for help with this, so we decided to open up a competition to allow you to design our new logo!

We do request that all entries follow the same colour scheme as our mascot, Mei, as seen in the earlier news post.

To submit your entry, simply post it on instagram with the hashtag, #animeattackslogo or email it to us at with "Anime Attacks Logo Competition Entry"

The winning entry will win a £30 Amazon Gift Card as well as get their logo design used in all future Anime Attacks material (With Credit, of course)

Entries close on the 10th of June so make sure to get your entry in before then!

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